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Monday, June 15, 2009

monday in Roma

Today we made our way back to the Vatican to visit the museum. he wait was not long but once inside it was very crowded. The Vatican was a major collector of art and you could tell. Rooms and rooms full of art and sculptures. One long hallway us in tapestries. We wound our way to the Sistine Chapel. The work by Michelangelo was really breath taking. We finished the tour by a door that led to the Popes quarters. Katie pulled a fast one on me and said "look dad the pope." I turned my head so fast I think I Pulled a muscle. Needless to say the Pope wasn't there. Very neat tour. To many sights to see and so little time. Most of the shops are at street level and on almost every block. You can find pretty much everything.


Unknown said...

I'm sure our new Omaha Archbishop George Lucas would have thought the Pope joke was funny. Are you going to mass in a real Roman Catholic church this week?

Emily Smith said...

yes, we actually went to Sunday Mass at the Vatican! It was moving, even though it was all in italian!!