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Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A great birthday present

I have been given the opportunity to listen to Five For Fighting's new album, Slice, early! In fact, I just got the email with the download instructions, and it just HAPPENS to be my birthday. So I will be listening to it this afternoon, and I will let everyone know how it is. What a cool thing to get to do. If you are curious as to how come I get to do this, let me know and I will tell you about this great organization called One to One that wants women's opinions!

Monday, September 21, 2009

So it's back to school....

Keri is a junior, Katie is an 8th grader, Christian is in 2nd grade, and for his 11th straight year, Andy is in 6th grade, LOL! Although he's added a bit of fifth grade to the mix this year.

I am pretty excited about a couple of things. First of all, I start a new job at Creighton on October 1st, which I am extremely happy about, AND there is a new Five For Fighting CD that's going to be released on October 13th. For those of you who know me well, John Ondrasik (the man behind the band name) is one of my all-time favorite singers. I've already downloaded the first single from iTunes - it's called Chances and is a very good song - it goes nicely with his other stuff. Now if he would only come back to Omaha!! Sadly, right now the closest he is coming is Chicago! Sigh...

Anyway, that's what's going on today besides the fact that I am achy and feel gross. I'd rather talk about music.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saturday, June 27, 2009

comment to shawn

Shawn, the touring days really wear us out but fortunately we have time to rest. Many peaple are friendly but alot of people seem to be tired of tourist. Some do not have much patience with us since we don't know the language. I learned that if you make eye contact with a person trying to sell something then they won't leave you alone. One day on the island a man pulled up and open his back trunk and then started yelling at me. I thought he was mad at me but then he pulled a fish out his trunk and tried to hand it to me. I found out that he was trying to sell fish and I guess I looked like I was hungry. Can't wait to get back and play some golf and go to coffee, American coffee!!! Andy
Hi everyone, its been a while since I've written. We were without internet while we were on the island of Brac. It was very fun. We got to take boat rides into coves. In one cove we saw very large boats. Merritt, Emily's father, said they were probably more than 1/2 a million dollors in cost. On our last evening at the island we walked to the town and saw 10-15 fairly large sailing ships. We asked about them and found out that they were students sailing around the Medditerian for the summer. They stopped there every year for one night. I think most were from Austria.
On Friday we traveled south along the coast to the very old town of Dubrovnik. It was a walled city and we got to walk along the wall. At times it was very high above the ground or sea. During the war(1991-2) serbian troops lobbed shells into this city. You could see where buildings had to be repaired. After that we traveled north-northwest to Serajevo where my father-in-law lives with his family. Merritt's daughter has had the same teacher since 1st grade. Much different then we do in the states. We have seen many buildings in which you can still see blast damage from the war years. We shopped at and open air market where a bomb killed 60 people during the war. Today we got to walk in the old town of Sarajevo. We saw the spot where the Arch-Duke of Austrai-Hungary was fatally shot and started WWI. lots of history and great chances for people watching. Miss everyone back home and hope to see you all very soon. Andy

Sunday, June 21, 2009

life on the islands

We are on the island of Brac, near Split,Croatia. It's quite beautiful, but we have limited internet access, so we won't be posting much. We are staying with my dad and younger sister at their beach house. All is well, and we are enjoying the rest! Today we went to mass - the service was all in croatian, but the church was lovely!
more from Sarajevo!
Andy, Emily, Keri and Katie

Thursday, June 18, 2009

a quickie....

I have three minutes left on my internet card...we are on our way to Brac, Croatia, an island off of Split in the Adriatic sea. Internet access is limited, so we won't be updating,but rest assured we will be thinking of all of you as we relax on the beach, LOL.
Venice is beautiful, by the way! I wish all of you were here with us. (tacky postcard message....)
Gotta go, hugs to all!!