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Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday in Berlin

We took a guided bus tour yesterday. It worked out very well becaused it rained off and on most of the day. Berlin is a very busy city, people seem to be everywhere. Its very hard to tell east Berlin from west Berlin except for a few Russian style buildings. Berlin has a giant wooded park near its center, kind of like New York. Lots of really neat old buildings and churches. Today(Friday we are going to look at some of these) as we go on a walking tour. The famous wall seems to have almost completely disappeared. They've put bricks in the roadway to mark where it used to be. Everyone in our little group seems to have gotten over the jet lag. No one(Keri) woke up this morning at two and couldn't get back to sleep so they(Keri) woke up everyone else. As you can guess Keri woke up yesterday and called me on our phone at 2:00 in the morning complaining. I recieved my first chewing out by a German lady yesterday. I pushed the wrong elevator button and she went berserk and let out a string of words in a mean tone. I didn't realize what I had done until later. We had a good laugh about it afterwords. Well were getting ready to take off. Tonight we take a train to Munich. More later. Andy

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