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Saturday, June 13, 2009

More thoughts on Berlin, with gratuitous effusive praise

We spent three days in Berlin, which is where I was stationed in the Army. Thanks to Dave Devine, a good friend of mine, we had a really good time. He was an excellent tourguide, which was great because the last time I saw the city, there was this Wall that divided it into two sections. I doubt if it would have been as much fun without his help!! (Satisfied, Dave???)

Seriously, though, it was so good to go back to this wonderful city. Our old barracks building was converted into a hotel, so the nostalgia started the minute we set foot on the grounds. I could point out my old room to the family. We took a verý nice bus tour on Thursdaý, which was great because it was pouring rain, and then had coffee at Kaufhaus des Westens, the largest department store in Europe. That night, I got to take my family to the restaurant where my friends and I used to eat at least twice a week back in the 80s. Dave had the number for another friend of ours, and he came to have dinner too. Friday, we played tourist. More tomorrow ´- our train is coming soon....

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