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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Top Picture: Katie with Maxwell Shoshone1566 and Marjorie Stewart Baxter

Bottom Picture: Keri doing her English homework

Saturday, September 27, 2008

I'm supposed to be working on a paper for class right now, but I am easily distracted as I ponder what it is that makes a culturally effective counselor. I'm sitting here with Keri, who is doing much better concentrating on her homework than I am. I'm trying to be a good example, really I am, but thinking is so hard right now. Katie is working on her rock family collection - it's pretty cool. She's decorating rocks- giving them faces with googly eyes, hair, accessories and even names. Her two favorites are Marjorie Stewart-Baxter and Maxwell Shoshone 1566 . I'm not quite sure where those names come from.
Last night was Katie's birthday party - she doesn't actually turn 13 until October 4th, but I won tickets to Coco Key Water Park that were only good last night. It was a good time, and we had a total of 6 extra people sleeping at our house last night. Needless to say, in between Keri and her friend Ashley using the blow dryer at 11 pm, and Katie and her posse watching Napoleon Dynamite until midnight, I'm just a little fried today.

1 comment:

Tori said...

I love the rock family--that is totally something I would find Layne doing!! Maybe they need to start keeping intouch!!