slide show 1

Monday, September 29, 2008

Monday night

Well, we made it through Monday. It's going to be a crazy week. In between my class, Keri's speech team practice and band practice and Katie's soccer game on Wednesday and first swim meet on Thursday, it doesn't look like we'll be eating dinner as a family anytime soon. Not that we are much different from most other families. We are all so overprogrammed. But there I go longing for the days of sitting in front of the fireplace singing songs and telling stories. Oh, wait...never mind, that was Little House on the Prairie. That half-pint, she sure got herself into some scrapes, didnt' she?
Katie's rock family is still growing. I hear she took some of them to school, and now her friends want her to make rock critters for them. If only we could get her to put that much energy into homework!

1 comment:

Tori said...

All I can say is that I totally relate.