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Monday, September 21, 2009

So it's back to school....

Keri is a junior, Katie is an 8th grader, Christian is in 2nd grade, and for his 11th straight year, Andy is in 6th grade, LOL! Although he's added a bit of fifth grade to the mix this year.

I am pretty excited about a couple of things. First of all, I start a new job at Creighton on October 1st, which I am extremely happy about, AND there is a new Five For Fighting CD that's going to be released on October 13th. For those of you who know me well, John Ondrasik (the man behind the band name) is one of my all-time favorite singers. I've already downloaded the first single from iTunes - it's called Chances and is a very good song - it goes nicely with his other stuff. Now if he would only come back to Omaha!! Sadly, right now the closest he is coming is Chicago! Sigh...

Anyway, that's what's going on today besides the fact that I am achy and feel gross. I'd rather talk about music.